Why Aadhaar Card Is Important ?
The government agency UIDAI, has announced a new feature for the Aadhaar card holders.This new feature of Aadhaar card allows users to download details of all the updates .they have made to their Aadhaar Card data in the past.
For example, if you have changed your father name in Aadhaar database, you can download a record of that.
At the same time, UIDAI website also allows Aadhaar users to download details of where and when their Aadhaar number was used for authentication purposes.
Aadhaar card history display a list on information that has been modify by Aadhaar Card Holder. An Aadhaar card holder can generate reports of changes done by them since its issuance.
For the Aadhaar Authentication history :
The Authentication types are:
- Demographic
- Demographic and OTP
- Biometric
- Demographic & Biometric
- Biometric & OTP.
User can fetch and download aadhar data record from the UIDAI website through OTP which received on user registered mobile number. This feature is currently in beta stage.The Aadhaar authentication details helps you to identify and pin-point misuse of your Aadhaar number and the Aadhaar card history helps you in case you have to prove to government authorities details of your old address.
To download the Aadhaar update history go through the following steps
- Go to government agency UIDAI website https://www.uidai.gov.in/.
- Click on the Aadhaar update history option.
- A section will open where you will need to fill in your Aadhaar number and security captha. You will then receive an OTP on your registered mobile number, which you need to put in a box displayed on the website
- You will now be able to access and download your Aadhaar history.
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