
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Bad Comments

New system will identify those who have made a big comment on social media

Washington Making a filthy and obscene remark on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram etc. has become a major problem for a user to be mentally tortured. Scientists have prepared a system for identifying those who make treacherous comments. With this help, an alert message will be sent to parents and network managers as soon as such posts are posted on social media. One of the researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder of America, which is preparing the system, is also a Bharatvanshi Professor Shivakant Mishra.
Less than five times the computing resources used to make it in use have been used. It can easily monitor sites with an equivalent number of instagram. Professor Richard Hahn said, recently social media sites have taken several steps to control Fake News. He said, those who target people by making obscene remarks should be subjected to action.

The computer program has been trained to differentiate between good and bad comments to prepare the system's tool box. Then the system was developed on the lines of Hospital Triyaz. Just as much attention is paid to patients in the hospital, in the same way, the system also scans all the comments made on a post and decides that there is no objectionable comment. In case of objectionable comments, the post is given priority for further investigation.

This system was used on video sharing site Wine and Instagram, in which 70 percent of these were successful. Alert is issued within two hours after the identification of porn comment is taken. Professor Mishra says that parents are absolutely ignorant about what is happening on social media with children. In this case, this tool will prove to be extremely important for parents.

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